Antique Toy – Selected Works 2002-2005

Alright, I just got fade up and released this nice piece of code: AT: Selected Works #1. I did the code and part of the graphics in the GUI. It has been sit here for too much. Had no news from my contact in AT for quite a while now, so I just decided to release it as it is.

Have some fun with the 10 songs and 10 graphics in this little pack. They were made with Spectrum, but just for you pc users out there I coded a GUI for Windows.

The Source

Do you know that everything comes from the source?
There is a drop of water that wants to be a germ,
and a germ that wants to be a species,
and there is a species that wants to evolve and dominate,
and a kingdom that’s looking for a king.
There is a king that wants to be a star,
and a star that wants to be a spaceship.
There is a spaceship that wants to settle the sea,
and the sea that wants to tag the sky.
There is the sky that wants to sing a song,
and a song that wants to be a book.
There is a book that wants to be loved,
and love that wants to be a dream.
And there is a dream that wants to be the source.

This is the lyric of a new MTV station video, MTV Flux. I always loved this lyric, no doubt…

A Darkness More than Night

I didn’t think it was possible, but seemingly it is. Michael Connelly is a genius, his books are really, really awesome. I don’t really like thrillers, but I must admit that the books I’m reading now (HIS books) are dragging me in.

After Blood Work, there comes the next on my list (A Darkness More than Night), which made me score an own new record: 461 pages read in less than 24 hours. I went to sleep last evening cause I couldn’t read more as my eyes were too tired, and the first thing I did early this morning was turning on the light and start reading. That’s insane.

‘Nuff of that though. On another side I’m doing kind of good. I lack inspiration, had a couple ideas but I’m not really into drawing, coding or making any music at all. I guess that time comes for every artist to just sit back and relax, until some idea pops in saying “here, you’re ready to start again”.

Still around, though not as often as before.

Love ya loads.