Tag Archives: Scripts

XenServer VMs and easy autostart

One of the most tedious tasks I find myself doing on XS installation is switching VMs’ autostart off and on. While no big deal it got boring real fast. I thus crafted a couple bash scripts to be run on the XS host that speed the task up.

pool=$(xe pool-list | sed -n "s/.*\uuid.*: \(.*\)/\1/p" | awk '{ system("xe pool-param-get param-name=other-config param-key=auto_poweron uuid="$0" 2>&1") }' | sed 's/Error: Key auto_poweron not found in map/false/g' | sed 's/false/INACTIVE/g' | sed 's/true/ACTIVE/g')
list=$(xe vm-list | sed -n "s/.*\(uuid\|name-label\).*)[ ]*: \(.*\)/\2/p" | awk '{ print $0; } NR%2==1 { system("xe vm-param-get param-name=other-config param-key=auto_poweron uuid="$0" 2>&1" ) }' | sed 's/Error: Key auto_poweron not found in map/false/g' | awk '{id=$0; getline; atrun=$0; getline; print atrun " " $0 " [" id "]"; }' | sort -k 2 | grep -v "Transfer VM for VDI" | grep -v "Control domain on host" )
active=$(echo "$list" | sed -n "s/true \(.*\)/\1/p")
inactive=$(echo "$list" | sed -n "s/false \(.*\)/\1/p")
echo -e "\nAuto restart in the pool is $pool\n\n"
if [ "$active" != "" ]; then
  echo -e "*** VIRTUAL MACHINES AUTO RESTARTING ***************\n\n$active\n\n"
if [ "$inactive" != "" ]; then
  echo -e "*** VIRTUAL MACHINES _NOT_ AUTO RESTARTING *********\n\n$inactive\n\n"

This script will parse all the VMs while skipping a few system instances, and will clearly show which ones are starting automatically, together with the corresponding UUID, so no guesswork or matching is needed.

# ./autostart_status.sh

Auto restart in the pool is ACTIVE





With our UUID in hand, we can now enable/disable it through this tiny script:

if [ "$2" == "true" -o "$2" == "false" ]; then
        xe vm-param-set other-config:auto_poweron=$2 uuid=$1
        echo Correct syntax: $0 \ \

With these two scripts the task becomes checking the VM name and switching it on/off in a matter of seconds. Mission complete.

Mass XenServer updates with batch script

I was looking for a way to optimize (read: not doing repetitive tasks by hand) the patches upload on my XenServer machine. I based it off a script, shown in this article, that I modified slightly for my lesser needs and built it around a Win7 XenCenter installation.

@echo off
set XE="C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe"
set Patch=<\\FILESERVER\PathToUpdates\|DRIVE:\LocalPathToUpdates\>
set Server=-s  -u  -pw 
set HostID=

if not "%1"=="" goto :Patch

del "%Patch%*.bz2" >nul 2>&1
for %%f in ("%Patch%*.zip") do %XE% %Server% patch-upload file-name="%Patch%%%~nf.xsupdate"
echo -- Run the command again passing the IDs as parameters
goto :End

echo -- Now installing: %1
%XE% %Server% patch-apply host-uuid=%HostID% uuid=%1
if not "%1"=="" goto :Patch


The first four parameters are shortcuts to the xe.exe, the path to the patches location, the remote server data and finally the UUID of the XS host. I download the packages in the directory and unzipped its content. When the script is ran without parameters it will remove any sources package I might have mistakenly extracted, it scans the path for any and all ZIP packages and, based on their names, uploads the extracted XSUPDATE to the XenServer host, returning a list of patch UUIDs. After that I can launch the script again passing a parameter list with the returned patch UUIDs, and it will cycle through them all and apply them. After they have been applied correctly I can reboot the XenServer host and delete the ZIP packages.

This is a bit rough around the edges, but it works when you only have a handful machines to upgrade. There is a lot of room for improvement though, and I might get back to it at a later date.