I thought about asking you a question, wondering if you might be giving me an answer I cannot seem to find. But to do so let me introduce a little of the story.
Suppose that you meet this guy/girl, and after some time start hanging out with him/her. You seem to like him/her more and more, and after some time you even start believing that he/she might be THE one (feeling in a way you haven’t felt in quite a while, now).
Then after some time (and apparently out of nowhere) you find out he/she’s right-winged (politically speaking), or to say it clear, some kind of nazi-fascist. What would you do?
I, myself, am on all of the opposite side, truly convinced as an artist and a human, that everybody on this earth were born equal to each other. A couple sentences totally destroyed my whole vision of her, even giving me some kind of strange feelings, being both sorry for her and pitiful for myself… I almost broke the conversation, as that has been the end of a tragically fucked up day, so I did not went deep enough to understand if she really is like that. Or maybe I just didn’t have the strength to find out she could really BE like that. It has been so stressful that due to my everlasting sickness problems (as everlasting as unknown to any medic) I felt like collapsing on myself for something like three days.
I just don’t know what to do. Wanted to talk to her but the only words which appeared in my mind where: “yeah, right… and what do I tell her?”.
I’m off balance. Caught off guard. Love sucks. Or even feelings, I’m not sure I could call that love. But ffs, it’s leaving me like a pitiful man.
And to close this whining with style, let me write down a lyric for you (at least you might find something interesting in this post):
Love is blindness,
I don’t want to see,
won’t you wrap the night
around me?